Here you can make a one-time offering or catch up on your offerings if you are away for several Sundays. You can also setup a recurring offering. Payment is by credit card, debit card or PayPal account. To pay by credit or debit card click the link at the bottom of the initial payment page. Evansburg pays a fee for each donation. Please consider adding a dollar or two to cover the fee.
If you get quarterly statements from Evansburg Church, make sure you enter your name or envelope number in the note box when reviewing your offering prior to submitting it. You can also split your offering between the General Fund, the Building Fund, Memorial Fund and Missions by stating how much you want to go to each in the note. If you don’t state anything, your offering will go to Evansburg Church’s General Fund. Click the “Add name, envelope #, or other:” link on the transaction review page to expose the note box. Otherwise, you won’t get credit for your offering. You will get credit for the full amount given including the fee Evansburg has to pay.
If you want your online offering to be blessed during Sunday service, you can still put an envelope in the Sunday collection plate. Just write “I gave online” on the envelope.